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Vision Sunday

January 8, 2023 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday

Topic: Vision Sunday Passage: Matthew 2:1–12

During Epiphany, January 6 through Ash Wednesday, we focus on themes related to mission. The ancient Epiphany text is the account of the Magi learning of Jesus’ birth. Following a divine nudge, these Wise Men travel to Judah and learn from the religious leaders and Scripture that the Christ was prophesied to be born in Bethlehem. Upon finding him, they joyfully and generously worship him, then are sent home with divine guidance.

This seems to fit an ancient pattern of interacting with God, still followed in the liturgies of today. We gather in God’s presence, hear his Word, respond in faith, then are sent out as witnesses. Gather, Word, Response, Sent.

In praying for a word or nudge in the direction the Lord would like our church to go this year, my sense is the word “Sent.” Whereas last year, we did much to focus on “belonging” and restoring what was lost through COVID, now it’s time to look outward again. 

Giving is strong and attendance is gradually recovering, making us well-poised to be “sent.” Globally, our new budget increases missions giving to 6%. Locally our missions giving was increased to 1.5%.  When added to other giving, such as diocesan funds, we will give away 13% this year. We are also accelerating our mortgage reduction with an aim of being debt free sooner than later. This will free up $380,000 annually for missions.

Regionally, Bishop Alex has made me the dean of a newly drawn Southern Deanery, which reaches from the Duval county line to Key West. Presently, there are only 10 churches in this deanery. As a “sent” people, we have work to do in planting and re-planting churches. 

Locally, we are encouraging you to invite others to The Marriage Course, in the hopes that they will continue on with Alpha and then the Catechism Course. These would be first steps a seeker could take. 

Taking It Home: Pray for those you know who need the Lord in their life, then invite them to the Marriage Course or Alpha this spring.

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